By Deven Skouti

With football season in full swing, October 18th may have seemed like a regular day for a normal football practice, but instead our lady Mustangs went head-to-head in our annual PowderPuff game. Seniors EG Walden, Payton Phillips, and Chase Hatelili organized the event as their SLE )Senior Legacy Experience) and they worked tirelessly to recruit players for both the teams.

The underclassmen (freshmen and sophomores) went head-to-head against the upperclassmen (juniors and seniors) in two hour game of flag football. With the boys football team cheering them from the sidelines, our girls battled intensely to keep the lead.

The JV football team blew us away with their halftime performance and definitely pumped up our girls for the final half of the game. Blood, sweat, and tears were shed on the field and, in the end, the final score was 15-18 with the underclassmen reigning victorious.

Maybe next year the upperclassmen will take the title, but for now the underclassmen.
Remember it’s not how big you are, it’s about how big you play.