Emma Fiala and Mia Garcia Give Blood at the Successful SLE
This past Friday, our seniors Kyla Elliott, Kaylee Williams, Emma Fiala, & Taylor Bigelow hosted a blood drive for their SLE project for students and community members alike. This SLE was a success! Dozens of students and adults had signed up, which highlights the generosity and compassion the community has to help others in need.
When asked what inspired her to carry on this SLE project, Kyla Elliot shared a touching and personal story. “My grandpa donated blood regularly…” She went on to explain how she admired his constant donations, and she wanted to carry on in his footsteps. Kyla is grateful that people are happy to help the community, and how some move past their fears just to donate. She emphasizes the importance of donating by saying, “One donation saves three lives.”
Interviewing some students, they seemed nervous to donate, but were glad to do it for the cause. They were given snacks that were funded out of pocket by the seniors running the SLE! When asked what inspired them to donate, Anjalee Sifuentes responded, “I thought it would be a good thing to help babies and people in need.” The staff were very welcoming and provided hospitality to all those who donated.
There will be another blood drive being hosted some time in march. We encourage all of those who are able to donate, to do it! Your acts of selflessness reflect onto those in need. They expect a hopeful increase of volunteers who are willing to help their community out, and save people. Congratulations to these girls for a successful SLE project!
Photo by Kamilia Valenzuela
Article by Stephanie Graham