Kenna Sandberg, Minarets’ newest Ag Science teacher, has began her career teaching by teaching Agricultural Mechanics I and Sustainable Agricultural Biology. Prior to Minarets, Kenna Sandberg attended Sanger High School and was heavily involved in Sanger's FFA serving as Chapter Treasurer, Vice President, and President. She participated in multiple speaking competitions, and showed market turkeys and hogs at fairs. She then went to California Polytechnic State University and studied Agricultural Sciences. She started out working with plants, but she stated that “Me and plants didn’t really work well together,” so she switched to Mechanics and the rest is history.

When asked about how she was liking Minarets, Kenna Sandberg said, “So far I love it, the kids. They are super involved and already self-motivated to participate in my classes.” In her short time at the school, Sandberg is already having plenty of success. At her first fair as an adviser, four of her students placed, including one in Novice Showmanship who placed first.
Besides agriculture and teaching, Kenna Sandberg enjoys many things, including the movie “Sweet Home Alabama”, the book "Where The Red Fern Grows", and her favorite food, which is a “nice steak”. Of course, she enjoys visiting with all of the students, so if you get the chance during lunch, don’t hesitate to stop by and say hello.