By Casper Nelson and Francine Soliz

A night of dancing and laughing, formal was a blowout! The grand decorations from projections of Northern lights, to a balloon chandelier, the magic was apparent. Not to mention, the little sweets like rock candies, jolly ranchers and the platters of cheese offered to everyone who showed up to the dance (among other types of snacks)! There was as much dancing going on as there was eating. This was also the night that new freshmen were able to experience their first Minarets Formal dance.

For those seniors, it was their last Winter Formal at Minarets. Senior Christian Stover mentioned that his highlight of the night was, “Running around and dancing and getting everyone to get back in the groove and just being goofy”. Senior Sierra Stalter enjoyed the night and preparation of the dance:“The dinner and driving around to finally land at the dance. It’s great the environment of the dance and everyone dances how they want no one judges." Going down in the memories of the young mustangs there's not anything better than grooving out on a Saturday.

In the end, the setup, according to Isaiah Gibson, was “one of the nicest dances so far”. Let us hope that future Minarets school dances are improved. Seems like better music is the main issue among the people whom we had interviewed who went to formal.