It’s the new year which means a brand new semester: only 21 weeks to go until the end of the year and with a fresh start on grades. It may seem as though it isn’t that far until school ends, although we’re only half way through and it’s crucial that you keep your grades up for the rest of the year. Although it can seem almost impossible at times, if you can follow these things you’ll be ahead of the game. This is the second semester and is a second chance to do better, as well as learn and find more efficient and less stressful ways for you to succeed.
1. Making a Schedule

Many students’ flaws are turning things in on time, whether they are just simply unaware or don’t organize their time to get the work done. A huge part of students’ grades are turning things in and doing this late, can significantly drop your grade on the work or even in the class depending on what it is. It’s not late to prepare for this, you can always create a schedule or to-do list by use your Macbook’s Notes application, google calendars that can sync across all devices (such as your phone, your computer, tablet and so on), sticky notes or even writing it down. Creating a schedule or to-do list can help organize and help you get on task so that you can turn your assignments on time. Finding out what works for you and having room to adjust it will be helpful in doing your work.
2. Managing Time and Focus

Creating time to do your work is also another crucial part to getting your assignments done on time. Whether you work on it during or after school, you should create an environment that you can work efficiently in. Turn off the phone, listen to music or put yourself at your desk are key ways to helping you focus on your work. If you’re busy or unable to make time like many people who do sports, other events or have things going on at home; working on it a little, five minutes or thirty minutes is better than nothing and can help you get your work done. Making a schedule or finding time to take breaks between your work are also good ways to manage your time. Trying out new and different ways can make you be more efficient but everyone is different, looking online for ways to study and asking your friends for recommendations are good ways to discover what works best for you.
3. Check PowerSchool and Get Your Credit

If you have a question or don’t know something and your teacher can’t reach you in time before your next class or you just weren’t there in class that day, you can always look for yourself. If you don’t have the time to talk to your teachers or don’t remember the requirements for an assignment, or even if you don’t know the due date you should look on PowerSchool first. Find out what you need to know through there so that you can do what you need to do to complete the assignment. Check your grades often and look for teacher’s comments so you can get the best grade you’re able to. If you struggle at keeping your grades up, you can strive to get the best grade you can. If you have the opportunity to fix it and turn it in even if you’re missing only a few points on an assignment, take that chance. Every little point is helpful, especially when it comes to tests or projects that have a huge impact on your grade.
4. Talk to Someone

If you ever need help with your work, struggling on an assignment, don’t understand something or just need someone to talk to your teachers they are always there for you. You can always ask to talk to them in private or even email them if it’s too nervous to talk in person or some other reason. Or you can always talk to our school’s counselors on campus for more help or advice, your parents, friends or a therapist. They are always there for you and want to see you succeed, don’t be afraid to ask or talk to them.
Some of this advice you may have already heard of or not, regardless this is the second semester and a second chance to do better, learn and find more efficient and less stressful ways for you to succeed. So get a good night’s sleep and keep working hard, we’re halfway through this year we got this!