On January 11, Minarets hosted their Natural Resource and Speaking contest. It was a very successful event with many competitors and placing contestants! Our very own CJ Boehm placed 5th highest individual in speaking. Our minarets staff provided breakfast and lunch for the contestants as well as volunteers which was much appreciated. During the event, there were such things as mule packing, animal ID, plant ID and knowledge. All contestants competing in the natural resources department were asked to take a test on each subject with 30 minutes for each. In addition to that, there was a separate event for mule packing that each contestant was given 12 minutes to complete. Overall it was an exciting time, providing a fun place for students to put what they've learned to the test.
With all of our lovely contestants and our Minarets students' help we had a very successful contest that was very well run. I asked some of our Minarets’ competitors about the event and got some great feedback! Ella Cohlan exclaimed “It was a pleasure being able to compete with my team and learn from other teams around us!” Emma Fiala also stated: “Natural resources gives competitors the chance to try half a dozen new skills and challenge themselves. I love seeing how my team and others approach all the different aspects of this competition!” Overall both our very own mustangs and competitors from other schools loved the event and are looking forward to future events like this. We wish everyone luck at state finals as they continue in this agricultural journey!
Written by: Hailey Nelson
Edited By: Josephina Emerson and Maximus Porter