The Animation Appreciation and Collaboration Club (AAC), also known as the Animation club, has been working hard at trying to come up with a script for the animated short they wish to produce this year.
The club leader, Senior Kira Huff started this club as her SLE because she has had a passion for animating and art from a young age. The story follows a hero defeating a shape-shifting villain. In an interview with Kira, she explained the hardest part of this entire animation, “ The hardest part of the entire thing is time restraints. Everyone has other things going on and I moved the club meetings to Thursday to not disrupt the other clubs, and we only have until the end of the year to finish this.”
At the moment, she has about ten people actively working on this video. To pull off such a large project in such a short amount of time, they will need all the help they can get. They need many different people for this, such as music writers, animators, voice actors, and editors. Kira has tried to incorporate the Minarets 6 C’s in her club, by collaborating with other people and possibly other classes, being creative with the project, thinking critically on how to get this done in time, and communicating with other people in and outside of the club.
Animation Club is still looking for people to help out with this animation, so if you have an interest in art, animation, voice acting, editing videos, or storyboarding, look into joining the club! They meet in room 309 every other Thursday.
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