On December 1st and 2nd, the Minarets High School Drama Club enchanted audience goers with their production of Disney's Beauty and the Beast at the Yosemite Lakes Community Church. This enchanting play was directed by Mrs. West with choreography by Miss Urrutia and, of course, the talented cast. The cast included Jackson Crosby, Emma Lynch, Ryan McDougald, Joseph Deal, Rebecca Townsend, Matthew Tafoya, and many more.
Besides just the production cast, there was also lots going on behind the scenes. “I worked backstage and helped Mrs. West get costumes ready and keep everything organized. It was almost like being a stagehand,” says Abigail Boatman, who helped with wardrobe/ costumes.
More than just Drama students were involved in the production. Minarets Media students filmed and photographed the performance. Minarets FFA and Leadership students came out in droves to support their peers. The Minarets Art Department provided student-made art pieces that were Disney related up for purchase. It benefited both the Minarets Art Department and the Minarets Drama Club by providing extra audience interaction and a small profit for the art students.
Out of the three performances, each were a packed with students, staff, families, and community members. It was a fun production for all ages, especially for the kids. For the children, it was getting to see Belle, a Disney Princess, in real-life without going to Disneyland.
But it was also fun for the adults! “I loved how they stayed true to the original film. I loved iconic scene of Belle and Beast dancing and the Gaston narrative throughout the movie was great comedic relief!” described Mrs. Chacon, one of Minarets’ counselors and avid Disney fan.
This was fourth major production put on by the Minarets Drama department and was a huge success. Work has already began on selecting the next performance, but Mrs West, the Drama director, explained that putting on Disney's Beauty and the Beast was a dream come true.