College is notoriously difficult and costly, and it usually results in debts that can last far past graduation. Choosing a college is perhaps one of the most important decisions of a young person’s life. The cost is only rising, and though it might not look to bad now, debt only adds up. Colleges can be tough critics, and applications can be a difficult process- especially if you don’t have a scholarship. This process is much quicker, easier, and much more doable with help.

The Minarets California Scholarship Federation is here for that very reason. Students with membership are given opportunities to help out around the community, participate in fundraisers, and assist in making important financial decisions that will shape the future of their young lives. The money that gets earned will go towards the aims of the students, providing them with special acknowledgement at their graduation, and assisting them with college applications as well as obtaining scholarships.
According to CSF Advisor Katie Morgan, this club also provides another valuable thing to students who decide to join. “I think the single best thing about CSF is the students coming together,” she stated in a recent interview. “We have a great sense of community on campus, but I feel like the high achieving students don’t have that sense of community as much, and they might not be as involved in other clubs- CSF is a good opportunity for these students to have that sense of community.”
The California Scholarship Federation is fully welcoming of anyone who wishes to join! Applications are available in the Minarets office. If you have any questions, contact Katie Morgan in room 613, or email her at: