At the Minarets High School Showcase on October 23, 2018, Key Club volunteers sold Boo Grams to benefit UNICEF and to share information on the EliMiNaTe Project. They set up tables outside the 600 and 300 building. They also shared information about the EliMiNaTe Project. Club advisor, Therese Righter says, “The proceeds will be sent directly to UNICEF, earmarked for their EliMiNaTe Project.”

Boo Gram sales started Monday, October 8th, and will continue through Tuesday, October 30th. Purchased Boo Grams will be delivered at the end of 7th period on Wednesday, October 31st. Key Club’s goal is to raise more than $450, in an effort to help save the lives of 250 mothers and their unborn babies
“Key Club is sponsored by the Sierra Oakhurst Kiwanis Club, and partners with Kiwanis on multiple projects, including the EliMiNaTe Project,” says club advisor Therese Righter.

Students assigned to this fundraiser include junior Maegen Redman, the Boo Gram Committee Chair, junior Ruby Burgess who created a video to advertise, and senior Novena Valentine who is focusing on other advertising for this fundraiser. All students involved include freshman Diamond Bernstine, junior Ruby Burgess (Digital Editor), freshman Daphne Christensen (Freshman Director), freshman Nina Clay, freshman Erica Hafkey, freshman Mackenzie Pogue, junior Marissa Sipe (Vice President), freshman Jadyn Stafford, junior Rebecca Townsend, junior Cheyenne Upton, and senior Novena Valentine (President).
Thank you to all who purchased Boo Grams, your contribution is appreciated and will benefit a great cause.