Your Minarets FFA has started out 2019 in a big way. The Greenhand Officer team put on their first meeting this past Wednesday, 16 January 2019 where the team helped our chapter discover growth through a meeting and a game. During the meeting the members heard about the successes of the Grapevine pruning, Forestry, and Citrus teams.
Freshman Lane Sheehan had some big announcements at the meeting. He announced that, “FFA week and Donkey basketball are coming up soon so be prepared for announcements in your Ag classes.”
Following the announcements the members of the month were selected, juniors Mackenzie Camacho and Hallie Warnock. After the meeting the chapter enjoyed a full burrito bar one upping the previous meetings potato bar.
Once dinner was over they continued to discover growth by growing friendships within the chapter by playing a few games of Hungry Hungry Hippos. Most members who participated in the game seemed to have had a good time. This meeting was putting on by only the Greenhand officer and it was a great representation of what is to come from them in the future.