Keep It Native Day is a few months away, but planning the event has already began. A recent meeting happened on Tuesday, February 28th that included juniors Ashley Davis, Darrin Coleman, Felicity Johnson, Simeon Williams and North Fork Rancheria. Unlike year's past, this event will not be an SLE, but put on by the entire Native American Club.
Tentatively, the date for this year’s Keep It Native Day is May 3rd from 9am to 2pm at Minarets High School. There will be many organizations that will be involved, including Fresno Indian Health, North Fork Rancheria, Sierra Mono Museum, and other organizations as well. Sierra High School and Yosemite High School were also invited again as well as Coarsegold Elementary, North Fork, and Spring Valley.
Be sure to mark it on your calendars. We hope to see you there!