As you may know, Minarets has kids from all over the Central Valley, but we have a new school to welcome into our family, The Hillside Crew! Tesoro Viejo has a newly built elementary where the Hillside Bobcats roam. Minarets
Leadership Link Crew decided it was time to visit our new friends on Friday March 15 201. The kids from Transitional Kindergarten (TK)- 8th grade were able to have fun and become friends with our leaders. It was a perfect day to have fun because the sun was out and the school spirit was high up for our very own Mustang, Maverick!

Jessica Chacon, our Link Crew advisor and district counselor, mentioned, “It's important to reach out to the middle schools so that the transition to high-school can be a little easier. These elementary students are future Mustangs so it's important for Minarets students to be a part of that transition.”
While interviewing some of the Link Crew members, sophomore Matthew Sheller expressed that“the younger kids were open and fun to get know. I definitely would have liked to have gone to that school; the design of the school is really unique.” Junior Luna Moreno said, “Getting to meet the new kids, they were super energetic even though they never met us.”

It wasn't just Minarets students that gave positive feedback. Hillside teachers and elementary kids said “It was fun and exciting and nice to feel a part of the Chawanakee community.”
Link Crew helps to take away the fear and creates bonds for future Mustangs and we are excited that our family continues to grow!