Minarets’ Drama program has just wrapped up their final production of this year. Following up the winter musical Mamma Mia, Director Kayla West decided to put into works a dark and very suspenseful thriller: Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None.
For those who didn’t get a chance to see the production, it is about ten strangers who travel to a house on island for a vacation of sorts. They have all been invited to the island by Mr. and Mrs. Owens, and they all are confused when their hosts never shows up. Following an eerie message, that accuses each person of murder is played by the record player, and chaos ensues. One by one, all of the characters die off in accordance with a nursery rhyme called Ten Little Soldier Boys. There are many twist and turns throughout the play that keep the audience guessing on who the killer is.
The production was held in room 303 of Minarets High School on a stage built by a Mason Hough and Caleb Lynch, seniors in the drama department. For their SLE, Mason and Caleb spent over 15 hours putting the stage together with help from his family and other cast members. Putting on this play there were so many obstacles including building a stage.
With a growing program, drama teacher Kayla West saw the opportunity to double cast the roles in the play. Since there were so many great actresses it only made sense to double cast the female roles. After many weeks of practicing, the casts were ready to perform. When asked about nerves senior MadaLynn Rocha revealed that, “I was so nervous I felt like I was going to pass out, ... I was so worried the whole time, I thought for sure the mic was going to pick up my heart beat”. With opening night the nerves were high and the excitement came from not only the actors but from the crowd as well. These performances put on by the Drama Department are great renditions of the play each cast performed the show with great emotion and passion. Everyone in the crowd jumped when the lights would suddenly go out or when a gunshot went off. The production for sure kept all in attendance on the edge of their seats.
For the seniors who starred in the production there was a twinge of sadness because this would be their last show. West was very proud of the students she has watched grow into seniors saying “Its bitter sweet really. It’s a moment of pride and sadness, knowing how much the kids have grown over the year. I’m just really proud and being the last show for the seniors, emotions were super high because really you become a family spending so much time together rehearsing, it is really sad when it ends. The show was great and I’m really proud of everyone”.
With another success it seems the Minarets’ Drama Program has a bright future ahead!