by Katelyn Hough
Minarets FFA held their 10th annual speaking invitational competition on Saturday, Jan. 25. At the invitational Parliamentary Procedure teams, Creed speaking competitors and Impromptu Speaking Competitors from all around California attended, ranging from Sierra to Nipomo High School. The three different competitions took place and awards were given to the top five teams and competitors for each.
For Minarets, it was a great start to the season with students placing in the different competitions. Freshman Adrienne Hall placed first in creed competition while sophomore Brayton Sternberg place third and sophomore Lane Sheehan placed fourth in Impromptu Speaking. For Novice Parliamentary Procedure, Minarets placed 2nd, with one member receiving high chair: Adrienne Hall. For Advanced Parliamentary Procedure, the Minarets Gold team placed second while the Minarets Blue team placed third. For Advanced two members earned high chairs: Meranda Adams as High Chair Four and senior Colby Jobinger who won High Chairman.
Senior Parliamentary Procedure member Madeline Wristen has been doing Parliamentary Procedure for all four years of high school. Wristen said, “Since I’ve been working so hard for the past three years, I would really like to Win this year because we’ve been working hard for as long as I can remember, so I hope that we can do that this year.”
There are two Advanced Parliamentary Procedure teams, seven seniors, five juniors, and one sophomore. The team agreed that Saturday was rocky and rusty, and they hope to keep improving for the next competitions. For many it was their first competition on the Minarets Parliamentary Procedure Team, we have 9 members apart of the Novice Parli Pro team. Not only are our freshman and sophomores running their first rounds ever, but this year junior Emma Bloodworth is new to Parliamentary Procedure as well, because of her age she has to be on an advanced team. Bloodworth has been apart of the Parliamentary Procedure team for only two months. She said "I was really nervous going into my first competition, although in moments I get discouraged, I am enjoying Parliamentary Procedure so far."
The teams overall did well and hope to improve throughout the season. They will be traveling to Modesto Junior College to compete on Feb.1. 2020, wish them luck.
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