by Delaeny Stevenson
Mustang Volleyball had their first indoor game at home against Mariposa on March 24. It was an emotional game for everyone considering this was their first indoor game that they were able to play because of all the challenges that COVID has brought sports. Coach Karra Zamora explained, “I was excited and relieved that all our hard work we had done in the weight room and on the court would finally get to be on display.” On top of this, it was especially emotional for the seniors as it was their Senior Night.

The JV team started the night off with an amazing comeback losing the first game then winning the last two with very close scores. It was a great kickoff for the rest of their season.
Next was the senior ceremony which was emotional for all in attendance. The seniors were able to celebrate their amazing success by having their family members stand beside them before this emotional game. Senior Paris Baca explained, “ I’m sad to even think I have to say goodbye this early, but it's been an honor wearing the jersey and getting to play”
With seven seniors leaving this year, it made an impact on the whole team. Junior Erica Halfkey said, “I loved having the opportunity to play with them. They have taught me so much. It has been an honor. In fact, these relationships are what senior Claire Corippo will miss. She explained, "The thing I will miss most about playing Mustang Volleyball are the memories and friendships that make every year so enjoyable”

With many emotions running through the audience and all the players, the varsity game was an exciting match. The Mustangs gave it all they had, with amazing passes, sets, and hits. They won 3-1, and junior Erica Halfkey explained, “I could feel an overwhelming happiness in our huddle. It was all in the moment. We were all just so excited.”
As of right now, there are no more games scheduled due to COVID and schools moving on from fall sports but you can follow the Minarets Volleyball Facebook page or Instagram page for any updates.