by Colby Jobinger
Minarets High School, along with many other high schools in the nation, have been shut down due to COVID-19. In this time of struggle and social distancing, a group of Mustangs has been staying connected, one dice roll at a time. The Minarets Dungeons and Dragons club has found a way to continue their story while maintaining social distance: Roll20.
The club spent hours working out the bugs to ensure a smooth transition from table top to tech. Joseph Langley, a senior and President of D&D club, had this to say about the experience, “Confusion. Roll20 was very foreign to most of the group. The first time we tried to play the small technical difficulties added up but eventually it worked out… I was worried(about the transition) because we had a groove going in-person, but we have kept that momentum through out this process”.
In the midst of the chaos of COVID-19, the club has played three games since school has been canceled and has plans for a fourth game later on in the week. For both the players and the advisor, this connection has helped them make through these difficult times. "It's something that I always looked forward to during regular school week, but now it's a time that I get to see my kids and check in with them. A lot of the players are seniors and I was worried that I wouldn't get to see them for the rest of the year so DnD has made this time easier for all of us."
This coming togetherness is what students need right now, and the Minarets DnD Club is doing their part to keep Mustangs connected in this time of need.