For the first time in Minarets girls soccer history, the varsity team made it to the semi-finals.
First, they took the win against Delano 7-0 for their first playoff. Junior Ellie Jensen and Junior Allison Smith both scored two goals and Freshman Kamryn Holland scored three. For the Mustangs, this was a good warm-up game to build confidence going into the quarter finals.
Senior Leilani Grijalva said, “The Delano game prepared us by giving us motivation to keep pushing and having the feeling of knowing our hard work paid off.”
After the win against Delano, they moved onto the quarter-finals and played Immanuel, playing hard the whole game. It was 0-0 all the way through double over time and the Mustangs ended up winning in a shootout, with Rieleigh Azevedo, Jenson, Smith, Jaydn Stafford, and Gennevie Munoz as the 5 shooters. In the shootout, the score was 4-3 with the Mustangs winning.
“We never gave up and we kept fighting for all 130 minutes of the game,” says junior captain Smith.
Minarets then made it to the semi-finals after winning the game against Immanuel, which is the first time in Minarets girls soccer history. They played Granite Hills, which was the top of the division and looked to be a very challenging game. In the first half, the score was 1-0 with Granite Hills winning, but the Mustangs came back and tied in the second half. However, Granite Hills then scored two more goals and the game ended 3-1, with the opposing team winning.
Freshman Gennie Munoz said, “We did really well talking on the field and working together and we played really well against them.”
This was a hard loss for the Mustangs because this meant that the season was over. But the girls played their hardest and worked and improved so much this season and they gave it everything they had.